“The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." [Jeremiah 9:10]
Maintaining a wise heart that is an expert to follow the path of God needs a special dedication. Because of the sins in this world when we do not watch out we turn ourselves into “cardinal beings” and no longer spiritual.
Our heart is the intimate control center of our body that thinks, feels and does things. It fills up with a lot of malignant thoughts, trickery, envy, conceit, jealousy and nonsense. Giving health to our heart begins with an ardent fear towards the Lord. It demands that we distance ourselves from those who try to lead us to a life of excessive doses of pleasure, bad friendships, people who will harm us spiritually, etc. We have to pull them out as bad weeds, our bad thoughts, desire and motives, and fill our mind with true thoughts, pure and pleasant. We should listen with care the certain sources of nourishment.
I was reading the Bible” My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad; [Proverbs 23:15] Imagine when out heart is wise we also delight the heart of God and when we say things correctly we exult the intimate of the Lord. That is very strong!!! Because of this, we have to meditate: if, on the contrary, when our heart is not wise we sadden the Lord and when we speak of nonsense even the Lord becomes sadden. So it is important to guard our heart and protect it from the “cardinal” and “spiritual” sicknesses of this world. To keep this heart only to please God and to maintain a daily communion with God because every day, our eyes, see motives to nauseate our heart, but when our heart has the protection, which is the wisdom and the communion with God then it will remain strong and healthy. Without the “spiritual” sicknesses and at every day, humiliating ourselves before God so that His mercy and compassion could remain in our lives.
Shielding our heart!
you are very right!! sometimes we damage our hearts easily because we see without questioning or know the other side of the story too! I learned that the hard way.... but thank u for the advice!! ^_^
ResponderExcluirok .. edith .. we need take our heart , only this way we can have a good fruits in our lives ..God bless ...